The Facts
When it comes to sexual health, sexuality, and sex, it can be challenging to find accurate information. We are here to help: Options for Sexual Health’s mission to champion and celebrate sexual health means that we are dedicated to providing our clients and patients with current evidence-based and client-centred information and care.
We are all about choices. We provide the information that supports you in making decisions. In this section you will find information on a wide range of topics in sexual and reproductive health. Don’t miss our new biweekly blog, So Glad You Asked! where you can find information on some of our most commonly asked questions!
Can’t find what you need here? Have more questions about something you’ve read? Contact our Sex Sense team!
Before it felt very hush-hush, but you are very open, so if there was an issue about my sexuality, I know you are a resource that I can go to if I have any questions.
- Client