The Options for Sexual Health Sexual Health Educator Certification (SHEC) Program is a competency, knowledge, and performance-based training. The program is designed to prepare individuals to deliver comprehensive sexual health education sessions to a variety of audiences in the public and private sectors.

Options for Sexual Health is committed to increasing the number of well-qualified sexual health educators in the province as part of its campaign to improve the quality of school, adult, parent, and professional sexual health education.

Options for Sexual Health is a Canadian organization based out of the Province of British Columbia. International students are welcome to apply to the program with the knowledge that the information taught is geared towards Canadian audiences. 

Apply for SHEC 2025 waitlist.

To learn more about the application process or apply for the WAITLIST, click here.

If you have specific questions about SHEC or would like to be placed on our mailing list to receive updates regarding future programs, please fill out this form.

Even though Options for Sexual Health considers Certification to be the optimum level of proficiency, other sexual health educators who are not Options for Sexual Health Certified may already be proficient. Options for Sexual Health recognizes this expertise while providing opportunities for continuing education, education program delivery, and networking.

Program Description

The SHEC program is comprised of three elements: a course component, a practicum component, and a continuing education requirement. The course component consists of a series of five 3-day workshops (modules) on specific related topics using evidence-based methodology to provide participants with sound theory and opportunities for observation, demonstration, presentation, facilitation, and evaluation.

During the practicum, participants will each be required to perform 60 hours of sexual health education to various audiences. Fifteen of these hours will need be supervised and evaluated by a preceptor. Nearly half of the required 60 hours are accumulated during the course component.

Once the course and practicum components are completed, recommendations for certification are reviewed by the SHEC Advisory Committee.

The continuing education component requires a demonstration of participants’ ongoing knowledge, skills, and competency development through completion of approved courses, workshops, and ongoing sexual health education delivery.

Course Overview: (listed are some of the topics covered)

Module 1
Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education
Reproductive Biology
Evaluation/Peer Review
Experiential Learning and Principles for Teaching SHE

Module 2
Teaching and Learning Styles
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Creating Lesson Plans
Values Exploration
Responding to Questions

Module 3
Body Science
Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy Options

Module 4
Sex and the Law
Adult Education
Askable Adult
Marketing 1

Module 5
Students with Disabilities
LGBTQ2S+ Students
Marketing 2
Finding your Niche
Components of a Business Plan

The course component will incorporate outside presenters/educators, group work and presentations, demonstrations, and self/peer evaluation.

Options reserves the right to modify course content or order. We may do so in order to better meet the learning needs of students or to adapt to the schedule for outside presenters/educators.
Attendance is required each day of the course.

Who Should Apply?

The SHEC program is for individuals who would like to build a specialized skill set for teaching comprehensive sexual health education to a variety of audiences: preschool, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary students; professionals; adults; and parents.

SHEC will be of particular interest to:

  • teachers, especially those delivering the sexual health curriculum
  • health professionals performing community and school education
  • counsellors specializing in human sexuality and sexology who wish to expand their skill set and business to group session delivery
  • and others with some background knowledge, experience, and passion for sexual health and sexuality who wish to enter the field of sexual health education

Course Fees

The total cost for the SHEC program is $4200 CDN. This includes all five modules, the practicum component and materials but does not include text books. Attending a SAR is not included in this cost. For more information on payment options for SHEC, please visit the FAQ page.

To check out Options for Sexual Health’s SHEC graduates please click here.