A realistic depiction of abortion in the media is taking the Twitterverse by storm and people are loving it!
Although television shows and movies have long skirted around the issue of abortion, the depiction often ends at the waiting room and resumes somewhere after. In the new Hulu series Shrill, the first episode addresses the main character (Aidy Bryant) has an abortion. What’s awesome-and-astonishing about this? The show actually spends time with her during the procedure; showing her face while the procedure is being done. The curtain has been lifted… on one of the most common medical procedures that 1 in 3 women and gender diverse folks with uteruses have in their lifetime. It normalizes and demystifies the procedure.
And it’s about time.
Unfortunately, Hulu is still not available in Canada* so we still have to wait to watch Shrill.
For more on this story, visit Hello Giggles.
*Except for those who have found workarounds to access Hulu, which we do not endorse or suggest.